Reiki Classes

Reiki Certification Classes 2025

St Paul, MN 55102

Reiki I

In this class, students will learn the fundamentals of the Usui system of Reiki. Instruction also includes the study of the chakra system, numerous energy exercises, performing a full-body self-healing treatment, and hands-on healing on another person. Upon completion of the curriculum and demonstration of competency students will receive a Certificate of Completion for Reiki l. Class is offered in one 6-hour day schedule on either a Friday or Sunday. 10:00am - 4:00pm. $275.00

Next Class: TBD

Reiki II

In this class, students will be given the Reiki symbols for direct healing, distance healing, and karmic healing. Much attention will be given to practice time so students can develop confidence in their ability to work with the subtle energy fields of the body. Upon completion of the curriculum and demonstration of competency students will receive a Certificate of Completion for Reiki ll. Class is offered on either a Thursday or Sunday. 6-hour schedule. 10:00am - 4:00pm. *Prerequisite: Reiki l. $350

Next Class: TBD

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Can I become a Reiki Practioner?

Yes, anyone can learn how to do Reiki if they have the heart’s desire to do so. It does not require special intellectual skills or physical prowess. What is necessary is an open, compassionate heart and the willingness to let go and let healing flow through you. Reiki is simply passed from teacher to student by way of study, practice, and an initiation process.

Want to Know More?
Follow these links to additional studies: